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The Nut commercially known as Brazil Nut is also known as Nut of Para or Amazon Nut. It is the fruit of the Bertholletia Excelsa tree, a very large tree that reaches up to 60 meters in height. It is native to the high forests of the Bolivian Amazon.

The importance of this nut lies not only in its contribution to the economy of the region thanks to its harvesting, manufacture and export, but also by its ecological component in the preservation of the Amazon rainforest, since its exploitation allows to stop the predation of the Forests.

Brazil nut is a three-sided nut with white meat, pleasant texture and flavor, with high protein and vitamin content. Walnut is a rich source of magnesium, thiamine and has the highest known levels of selenium concentration (126 ppm2), with antioxidant properties, which makes this nut a high quality, nutritious and healthy food product.

From this nut you can also obtain derivatives such as oil and flour, food derivatives of high nutritional value.

Nuts in their wild state are contained in a coconut, which can contain between 12 to 25 kernels. Coconuts grow on individual thick branches or segments; there they ripen and in the rainy season they fall from the tree to start the annual harvest.